I've been away from my card creativity for several months, due to illness. It's only been recently that I've had the energy to begin creating again, mainly because of a granddaughter's graduation. That card will show up on a later post. But for today, I want to express the utter joy a "gracka" feels because little Gabriel, age 4 and the inspiration for this blog, just asked Jesus to come and live in his heart!
Now, I do realize that Gabe doesn't have a complete understanding of the theology behind his simple prayer of "Jesus, please forgive me and come and live in my heart." But I also know that it was Jesus Who said, "Allow the little children to come to me." Our responsibility, then, is to raise Gabe in an atmosphere that supports this early decision, and to teach him how to allow it to shape his life.
What a privilege this is for me, to watch and be part of the cycle that began with my own "Jesus in my heart" moment at age 8, to my children's decisions, and to the decisions of my "children's children." The fulfillment of God's promise!